Looking for a self-guided adventure?
Try these apps and tools for...
BirdingeBird - eBird is the world’s largest biodiversity-related citizen science project, with more than 100 million bird sightings contributed each year by eBirders around the world. A collaborative enterprise with hundreds of partner organizations, thousands of regional experts, and hundreds of thousands of users, eBird is managed by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology.
Merlin - Merlin is another immersive birding app that also uses sound to identify nearby bird calls. |
Wildlife ID
iNaturalist - One of the world’s most popular nature apps, iNaturalist helps you identify the plants and animals around you. Get connected with a community of over 750,000 scientists and naturalists who can help you learn more about nature! What’s more, by recording and sharing your observations, you’ll create research quality data for scientists working to better understand and protect nature. iNaturalist is a joint initiative by the California Academy of Sciences and the National Geographic Society.
East Texas Arboretum Trail Guide
Hit the 2 miles of unpaved nature trails and get back in touch with East Texas wildlife. Use the digital download to learn more about what you will find along the way.